% iozone 25 (on local IDE) Writing the 25 Megabyte file, 'iozone.tmp'...11.700000 seconds Reading the file...13.500000 seconds IOZONE performance measurements: 2240547 bytes/second for writing the file 1941807 bytes/second for reading the file % iozone 25 (on RAID) Writing the 25 Megabyte file, 'iozone.tmp'...15.310000 seconds Reading the file...9.420000 seconds IOZONE performance measurements: 1712240 bytes/second for writing the file 2782845 bytes/second for reading the file % iozone 25 (through NFS) Writing the 25 Megabyte file, 'iozone.tmp'...32.510000 seconds Reading the file...23.300000 seconds IOZONE performance measurements: 806348 bytes/second for writing the file 1125081 bytes/second for reading the fileU-SCSI Disk が壊れてしまったのでデータが今はもう取れないのですが、 数倍は出るので、UW-SCSI/EIDE 変換コネクタを導入だけはしてます。 これを Tekram DC-390F を二枚差して頑張りたいと思っていますが、 ちょっと時間がなくってまだまだほったらかしのままです…。いかんなぁ。
1998/10/19: OCN エコノミー無事開通しました!